【原版杂志阅读】26期 Day 1:The small consolations of office irritations part 1


Business | Bartleby
The small consolations of office irritations

The silver linings of interruptions and impostor syndrome 

截屏2023-04-07 上午10.35.56

Even people who love their jobs have a few gripes. Even people who excel at their work have their share of worries. The office environment makes it hard to concentrate; their colleagues are annoying beyond belief; their career path within the organisation is not obvious. There are aspects of the workplace, like “reply all” email threads and any kind of role-playing, which are completely beyond redemption. This column is here to administer the balm of consolation for some of work’s recurring irritations.

Start with a pervasive problem: being interrupted. You have muted notifications on Slack and cleared your calendar; the Prelude from Bach’s Cello Suite No 1 is playing; your fingers are poised above the keyboard and a thought of world-altering profundity is gradually taking shape in your mind. Then there is a knock at the door, and a colleague asks if you have a minute to discuss the air-conditioning. By the time they have gone, so has that momentous thought and any sense of well-being.

Context-switching of this sort is more than simply annoying. A survey conducted in 2021 found that it takes people nine and a half minutes to resume a focused state of mind after switching between apps. But there is a bright side to being interrupted. A paper by Harshad Puranik of the University of Illinois Chicago and his co-authors asked a sample of employees in America to record how often they were distracted by colleagues and to report their sense of belonging to their organisations. They found that being interrupted involves a social interaction with colleagues that can strengthen a worker’s feelings of connection. The next time a knock comes, remind yourself that at least you are not lonely.

What about some of the characters who make office life so teeth-grinding? Every company has its share of toadies who specialise in managing up: flattering the bosses and claiming more credit than is their due. Unctuousness is undoubtedly irritating. But it, too, can sometimes have wider benefits.


1. Consolation /ˌkɑːnsəˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 使感到安慰的人(或事);安慰;慰藉

前缀:con- 全部,共同,所有(com-come)

词根:sol- 太阳, 一(solar system, solar energy)

后缀:-ation 名词后缀

2. irritation  /ˌɪrɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 恼怒; 恼人的事

前缀:ir-否定(i +辅音 + 相同的辅音 igg, ill-illegal)

词根:rit- 摩擦, 同ras-, rad- (ri 日—t他)

后缀:-ation 名词后缀

3. Impostor  /ɪmˈpɑːstər/ n. 假冒者; 冒名顶替者

前缀:im- 同in- 进入

词根:post-表示position 职位,位置

后缀:-or 名词后缀,多表人

4. gripe  /ɡraɪp/ n.  不停地抱怨


联系:gr—grab 抓(grab a coffee, grab a chair)

5.  toady /ˈtəʊdɪ/   n. 马屁精

词汇:toad 蟾蜍;癞蛤蟆

后缀:-y 形容词

联想:to—ady(melody, comedy) 唱


1. Even people (who love their jobs) have a few gripes. Even people who excel at their work have their share of worries. The office environment makes it hard to concentrate; their colleagues are annoying beyond belief; their career path within the organisation is not obvious. There are aspects of the workplace, like “reply all” email threads and any kind of role-playing, which are completely beyond redemption. This column is here to administer the balm of consolation for some of work’s recurring irritations.

1) 定语从句: who love their jobs —相当于形容词,修饰前面名词

判定:人 +who —定语从句


2)定语从句: who excel at their work

3)搭配:excel at 擅长;excellent adj. 特别好的(ex-cel-速度)

4)it —前文名词;it--to do sth; it—that..

5)annoying 烦人的;career path is not clear/obvious. 

6)  名词复数—展开

7)redemption 救赎;red-return + empt- 拿 + ion 

8) to do sth 去做某事

2. Start with a pervasive problem: being interrupted. You have muted notifications on Slack and cleared your calendar; the Prelude from Bach’s Cello Suite No 1 is playing; your fingers are poised above the keyboard and a thought of world-altering profundity is gradually taking shape in your mind. Then there is a knock at the door, and a colleague asks if you have a minute to discuss the air-conditioning. By the time they have gone, so has that momentous thought and any sense of well-being.

1)pervasive 广泛,宽泛的;interrupt 打断;Sorry to interrupt, —bankrupt 

2)notification n. 通知(not--note 知道)(notify v. 使之道)

3)描述画面的—3个;alter- 改变; profound adj. 深刻的+ity 

4) 宾语从句:if you have a minute to discuss the air-conditioning


5)so + 谓语 +主语—so it is. 确实如此。so is it. 和上面一样。

没有提任何一个字annoying—-但是给你的感觉讨厌的事情,beyond redemption 

3. Context-switching of this sort is more than simply annoying. A survey conducted in 2021 found that it takes people nine and a half minutes to resume a focused state of mind after switching between apps. But there is a bright side to being interrupted. A paper by Harshad Puranik of the University of Illinois Chicago and his co-authors asked a sample of employees in America to record how often they were distracted by colleagues and to report their sense of belonging to their organisations. They found that being interrupted involves a social interaction with colleagues that can strengthen a worker’s feelings of connection. The next time a knock comes, remind yourself that at least you are not lonely.

1) switch 切换,转变;light switch 电灯开关;switch on/off—turn on/off

2) Context-switching of this sort —上文的一件小事,变成了一类


4)宾语从句: that it takes people nine and a half minutes to resume a focused state of mind after switching between apps.

5)小表达: to resume a focused state of mind

6)a paper by A and B 

7) 宾语从句: how often they were distracted by colleagues

8)并列关系: to record …and to report

9) 宾语从句: that being interrupted involves a social interaction with colleagues that can strengthen a worker’s feelings of connection.

10)定语从句: that can strengthen a worker’s feelings of connection.








这样的心境转换不只是令人恼火。2021年的一项调查发现,人们从一个应用切换到另一个后需要九分半钟时间才能恢复专注的状态。但被打扰也有好的一面。伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校的哈沙德·普拉尼克(Harshad Puranik)等人在一篇论文中写道,他们请一些美国员工记录下他们被同事打扰分心的频率,并报告他们对所在组织的归属感。他们发现,被打扰也是一种与同事的社交互动,可以增强员工与他人的联结感。下次有人敲门时,提醒一下自己,至少你不孤单。 

实用口语:5个pan out 小短句
实用口语:老外嘴里的put a sock in it 是什么意思?
每日一词 consistency
rise raise 辨析
实用口语:two-way street
(高中英语) 多所名校都考过的一道从句典型题目
实用口语:throw a curveball