Shit 用法系列1- full of shit, be in deep shit, not give a shit

截屏2023-01-03 上午11.16.02

Shit 用法系列1: full of shit, be in deep shit, not give a shit 

1)Full of shit 说谎、讲话夸张、瞎胡扯

e.g. There’s no way you said that to your boss, you are so full of shit! 你不可能跟你老板那么说的,你真的太能扯了。

e.g. He said he won the lottery, but I think he’s full of shit. 他说他彩票中奖了,但是我觉得他在瞎胡扯。

2)Be in deep shit 深陷大麻烦之中

e.g. Shit! If I don’t pay them their money today, I’m gonna be in deep shit. 靠!如果我今天不还他们钱,我就完蛋了。

e.g. He is in some deep shit because his boss saw him stealing office supplies. 他有大麻烦了因为老板看见他偷办公用品了

3)Not give a shit 不在意

e.g. I don’t give a shit who wins the world cup! 我根本我所谓谁赢了世界杯。

e.g. I told him it was a great opportunity but he didn’t give a shit. 我跟他说这是个好机会,但是他根本不在意。

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