【轻阅读,看世界】Do you know people who get paid to do absolutely nothing at their jobs?

Olympic Swimming Lifeguard

截屏2021-10-05 下午10.37.20

Look at her face.

You can tell just by her look that she is bored out of her mind.

Olympic Swimmers are the absolute best swimmers in the world.

They grew up in the pool. They can swim in their sleep.

Do you really think that an athlete of that high of a level needs a lifeguard in the sport that they are the best in the world in?

It’s like telling the Secretary of Defence that a 10 year old who plays Call of Duty needs to oversee him to make sure the Secretary “doesn’t mess up”.

But hey, you get paid to sit in the front row at the Olympics.

That’s a pretty sweet deal.

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