【轻阅读,看世界】What's the most incredible coincidence that ever happened to you?





I had gotten married and we immediately tried to have kids. A year later, when nothing was happening, we went to the fertility specialist. Turns out my ex had a chromosomal abnormality and we would never have biological kids together. After a couple of rounds of IVF with donor sperm (trust me, it wasn’t donated, it was $800 per month!) I called up social services and got on the foster-adopt track.

After taking the classes, doing the CORIs, references, physicals, home study, etc. we were approved to foster-adopt. However, since we were looking for a child 3 or younger without any major health issues they said that it might be a while, and they would give us a call when they had someone for us to meet. My ex and I decided that when we received a child, even if it was just for fostering and not adopting, that I would quit my job and stay at home.

At that time I was an office manager for a small business. I had worked there for a few years and was quite content there. Time went by. Time went on and on and on. Months and months and months passed. I kept busy with my work. Until one day I got to work, and I could tell something was wrong.

A co-worker was cleaning out his desk; he had been laid off. And the human resources guy was heading for my office with a sad, pitying look on his face. I was the other person laid off that day. I packed up my personal items, went to my car, and cried.

The money wasn’t the issue; my then-husband made enough for me to stay at home. It was the fact that work kept my mind off thinking about how sad I was that I wasn’t a mother, and it was possible that I might never get to be one.

I decided to treat myself to a little retail therapy on the way home. I had all the time in the world now, my ex wouldn’t be home from work for hours. I headed to the store, and started looking at baby clothes, feeling really sad.

My phone rang as I was looking at onesies and fighting off tears. It was a number I didn’t know, so I almost let it go to voicemail. However, I was hoping that it might be one of the owners of my company, inviting me back. I answered.

It was the social worker from DCF. She said that she had a baby for me to meet. She asked me if I had time that afternoon. I got to meet my son on the same day that I got laid off. Unbeknownst to me, I had become a Stay-At-Home-Mom the moment that I had gotten laid off earlier that day.

In case you’re curious, he’s 10 now.

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