【轻阅读,看世界】What do you wish you could ask or tell that one person, but probably won’t?





I’d like to ask my late Uncle “Why?”

He went through (arguably) the most prestigious medical school in the country. Went on to work in one of the best hospitals in the world.

And the whole time, he’s smoking cigarettes, eating terribly. Trashing his body one bad decision at a time.

By the end, his skin had gone pale, he’d gained a ton of weight, and got winded just getting up. He hadn’t been to a doctor in over a decade.

It’s crazy to think that people, let alone a doctor, die of heart attacks at 50. But it happens all the time and it happens because of daily bad decisions with our health.

His death is a continuing reminder to stay healthy. And if any of you are facing health complications because of your lifestyle, I hope this spurs you to move in the right direction.

It can all go away in a moment. He was dead before he hit the treadmill he was running on. 

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