【轻阅读,看世界】What is the saddest truth about life?




屏幕快照 2020-03-21 上午12.16.21

I’m 77. Looking back over a very full life, I can say that I only lived a fraction of it. Right now. Right now. Right now. That’s what I didn’t appreciate: The moment. Now that I’m old, I understand what I was told many times in my life: Be here now. The time it took to write these sentences is gone forever. This is no weird egghead philosophy, as I always thought it to be. It gets real when you have the end in sight. I can look out my window and see a blue sky with beige clouds. When I was younger, I expected to see a blue sky with beige clouds. I didn’t give a damn. There was always a blue sky with beige clouds. I had to fix my car, go to work, take a shower, argue with my girlfriend, or do any number of empty, useless things. Now, that sky and those clouds represent the years of not paying attention. There is something magical about being able to look out a window and see a sky that the younger me just never “got”. You guys may get to be 77. It would be a shame to look back and say the same thing - which you will if you are “aware”. If not, you’ll just go through life sort of empty until you drop dead.

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