【轻阅读,看世界】What did you learn too late in life?




屏幕快照 2020-03-11 下午9.49.27

You get into bed and are preparing for a good sleep.

You feel like you wanna pee.

It's cold out there, so you decide to hold it back.

“I would be in a deep sleep in minutes anyway”, as you lied to yourself.

You tossed and turned for 2 hours, finally you put on your slippers, rushed to the toilet.

You have wasted 2 hours making up your mind, 2 hours that could have been used for a good rest.

When something is bothering you in your life, be it sand in your shoes, long-due homework, a school bully, sexual molestation in office, you figure it out ASAP.

Troubles simply won't straighten themselves out, you wanna have a better life, you fix your troubles the very moment they emerge, and fix them once and for all.

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