​【原声视界】Day 121 男生这些“小动作”可能是喜欢上你了!


Hey guys, my name is Motoki Maxted and today I'm going to be listing off some things that guys do that may or may not mean he's interested in you. I get asked these kinda questions all the time, so today I figured I'd clear some things up and maybe even answer some of your questions. Guys, feel free to stick around because most of these things go both ways so I won't completely wasting your time. Try to keep in mind that most of this stuff is a case by case kind of a thing so this may or may not apply to you, but hopefully if helps out either way.


Okay, so before we get started, I have to tell you guys I cut my lip shaving this morning. I don't know how, I promise I don't have herpes. Alright let's get started. This one's kind of a no brainer but guys love to tease girls that they like. Guys playfully make fun of the person that they're interested in and push their buttons to try to get their attention. If you ever look at little kids, they do this all the time. And adults and teenagers really aren't that different. Except that instead of, you know, flinging a booger at your face, they might just make fun of your middle name.


Okay this one is stupid but I've seen it more than once so I guess I'll throw it out there. Basically guys will flirt with other guys around you just to make you jealous. He’s most likely just trying to get a reaction out of you and see if you get upset. Well done guys, the logic behind this one is great. Yeah, let's just flirt with everyone besides the girl that you actually like. Because that makes sense. Either he's trying to make you jealous or you have really hot friends. Who knows?


If a guy gets nervous talking to you or even if he's just around you, it might means he's interested. I know personally that no matter how confident I'm feeling, if I go up to a girl I really like I will mess up, stutter every word that comes out of my mouth. If you ever catch a guy staring at you more than once, he probably wants in your pants. I’m kidding, well, maybe not. Sometimes he might have just happened to be looking but if you see him do it multiple times and he quickly looks away. It’s a pretty good sign he likes you. Guys usually try to hang out and talk to whoever they like whenever they can. They’ll make up any reason just to talk to you or be together so they can get to know you and you can get to know them.


This next one is kinda silly but it's true so I might as well bring it up. If you ever notice a particular guy always liking your pictures on instagram, favoriting your tweets or … I was going to say something about facebook but *pff* who uses that right? If you notice that he's always doing these things then it's a pretty good sign that he likes you. Now don't be thinking about it too hard okay, just because he favorited two of your tweets within the last six months doesn't mean that he's in love with you. You’ll be able to tell. If you think that maybe a guys likes you, try and see if he acts nicer around you than when he's with others. If complements you, helps you when you need it, or does you favors, it's probably because he likes you. He’ll try his best to show you that he cares and in the process win over some brownie points.


Alright so that's all that I have on the list. Most of these were pretty basic and obvious but I hope it was of to some use. I’m probably biased but I feel like guys are pretty easy to understand once you start picking up on some of the patterns. If you think that a guy likes you, he probably does. I mean, why else would you think that he likes you. But if you think that he doesn't like you then sorry. But he probably doesn’t. But no worries, just move on, there are other fish in the sea. I prefer salmon, you can choose whatever.

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