​【原声视界】Day 117 超开心去参加同学的生日派对,结果居然...


There’s this girl in my school and she’s really one of the popular girls. And it was her birthday and she  was hosting a party. So she went around to everybody that she knew and she gave them invitations. While was watching her give the invitations I was like, “Yea I know she’s not gonna come to me.” So then it was lunchtime and I sat down and then all of a sudden I saw her walking up to me and I was like, “Oh is she gonna ask me?” “Please, please let her ask me.” “I really want to go to this party.” She handed me this envelope. So I opened it and then it says, “You’re invited to this party.” And I was like, “Oh my gosh, I’m actually invited to her party.


I was so excited that day. Like in class I was excited thinking about what I’m gonna wear, what hairstyle I’m gonna do. This school day ended and then I just had to rush and do homework cause the party started an hour later. And then I went in my closet, took out my clothes, mended my hair, took a shower and everything like that to get ready for the party.


I ran out of the house and I walked there. It took like 5 minutes. When I got there I didn’t even see any rides. I didn’t hear music. I didn’t see any balloons or nothing was decorated. It was just dark inside the whole house. I was thinking to myself, “Wait did she ,like, try to ditch me, did she prank me, was she trying to fool me?”


I wanted to make sure that I’m at the right house so I looked at the invitation again and that was her house number. So I looked up at the house and it said that. So I was like, you know what, maybe she did try to ditch me, maybe she did try to fool me, maybe she did try to prank me. So I ran back to the house and started crying laying on the bed. Like I had all these emotions in me. Like I was sad, mad, tired, frustrated.


I just had to let it out that day. So the next morning came. I woke up and actually didn’t feel like going to school that day cause I didn’t even want to see her face. I said to myself, “She maybe thinks that I can never be popular. Maybe that’s why she didn’t invite me.”


I told my mom everything that happened so then, she was like, “It’s okay, honey, but you have to go to school today. You don’t want to miss any work.” So I was like, “Yeah, Mom, you’re right. I should really go to school.” That day I just went in. Everybody just stared at me. And in my head I was thinking, “Why are they doing this?” But then I just ignored them. I went to all my periods in school. And I just forgot about it. And, that’s how it ended.

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