​【原声视界】Day 107 成功人士的背后,是谁给了他们强大的力量?



Who has had the greatest influence on you and why?


Probably my parents. Because they taught me that if you love something you'll work hard at it, and the only way to be great at something is working hard at it.


My brother. He was mentally ill, and he taught me a lot about the reality and the richness of diversity.


Probably my mom and my dad. My dad because he's a professor of physics, and so he's very analytical, and good at approaching problems in a systematic way. And then my mom, because she's always up for fun, and doing something a little crazy, and a little bit untraditional. And so I think I have both sides to me.


My dad, by far, he’s given me some of the best business, and career, and professional advice, and he was always been my mentor, my hero, my friend.


Every time I was with my dad, even up to this day, he finds the person in the room, who needs a kind word the most, and makes sure he gives it.


My father. By all means that taught me the value of hard work. The value of doing right for the first time.



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