​【原声视界】Day 98 大家现在都不看小说了吗?


What’s your favorite novel? What’s your name and were are you from?


Matt Higgins, form Boston, Mass.


What’s your favorite novel?


My favorite novel? No clue. No, I don’t think I’ve ever read a novel.


Never? Your whole life?


Never in my whole life.


My favorite novel? Uh… let me see.  I like, like … I don’t really read that much, I guess. I actually don’t really read books, so…


My favorite novel? If I read, it would probably be like “Pet Sematary”. 


Well, you said “if you read”, were you saw the movie, you saw the movie?


I saw the movie, and I saw the book too, and it was like this thick.


What’s your favorite novel?


I’m being put on the spot right now.  What’s a novel?


A book.


Right, right. So name a novel?


The Bible.


What’s your favorite novel?


My favorite novel? Shoot. I’m going to have to go with um… I can’t think of any and I just got out of school right now, too. My reacher would be pissed.


What’s your favorite novel?






Yeah, it’s about … it’s about Donald Trump. (Fear: Trump in the White House)


Oh, that’s not a novel, that’s nonfiction. We wish it were fiction.


Yeah, it’s not.


What’s your favorite novel?


My favorite novel? I don’t read books, but first one I could think of probably “Moby Dick”.


Moby Dick, how is … did you read that?


No, I haven’t read it. But I hear it’s all about a big whale, and that’s all I know about it. That’s all I know really about it, but it seems pretty interesting.


You plan to read it someday?




Okay, cool.


Yeah, I DO.


Well, enjoy.


Yes, thank you.




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