​【原声视界】Day 97 艾伦秀 - 为什么我不想养小孩,全美各地熊孩子集锦


艾伦秀 - 为什么我不想养小孩,全美各地熊孩子集锦


Of course, I love kids also. I just don't want any of my own. And I'm going to show you why in a segment. And I call, "Why I Don't Have Kids.” All right, this is from Allie from Aurora, Colorado. This is what happens when you leave a three-year-old alone with a litter box. Allie, were you really surprised that that happened? What do you expect? I'm going to leave my son with this tiny sandbox. And I'm sure everything will be fine. You know, all I know is a cat would never do that. And that's why I have cats and not a kid. Oh.


Ashley from Rosemount, Minnesota. I heard my daughter screaming my name, so I went to see what was happening. This is where her dad had put her. Let me remind you, the name of the segment is, "Why I Don't Have Kids," not, "Why You Shouldn't Have Kids.” I mean, come on. I don't know a lot about kids. But I know if you're going to put them in a freezer, put some pants on them. It's cold. It's chilly in there.


Brianna from Ocean Springs, Mississippi. I’m a wedding photographer, so I don't usually take photos of my kids. When I do, it always ends up looking like this. Yeah. Wow. But, I mean, really. Right? I mean, that's amazing. Look at that milk. You've taken something terrible, like children, and made it beautiful.


Stacy from Southgate, Michigan. Here’s my daughter Michaela enjoying some chocolate pudding. You know, I don't know if I would use the word “enjoying." Yeah. That's the same look I get after enjoying some tequila. Thanks for sending those in. If your kids do something you think I should see, please send it to me.



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