【原声视界】Day 66 吴亦凡示范如何正确食用灌汤包




Alright, so the first stop on our tour today is in Shanghai, and we’re gonna start with soup dumplings. And when you think about the soup dumpling…


There you go.


Classic. Yeah.


But we have not only this, but also a very special dumpling from drunken dumpling. They’re kind of famous for this. Have you ever seen a dumpling this big before?


Wow, No!


Do they make them this big in China?


I don’t think so. Not that I know of… man.


So, this extra-large soup dumpling is packed with crab, scallops, shrimp and pork. And the broth is made from a combination of chicken, pork and vegetables.


Should we try it?


We should try it.


Let’s do it. I can’t wait. That’s pretty good though.


The broth is good.


It’s good. There’s a lot of meat. It’s like a burger.


It’s like what?




So, soup dumplings, it’s something that Americans are notorious for screwing up. What do people get wrong about the soup dumpling?


No, just eat it right away, and the soup just spill all over the place. Right. Really hot, too. So usually what you do with these guys is obvious. This is way too busy you have a straw. But with these guys we do is usually just take it, put it in your spoon. Kind of like poke, like, a little hole on the side or something, and then you can… Oh man, oh boy! They’re not just happen. Oh boy. See! I just spill the soup. That’s not what I want to do it.


That’s not how you do it.


But what you do it, you would just kind of sip like with your mouth. There you go, yeah. Right, just like that. You’re doing better than me.


Is get that out? Get that out and then you can eat it.


Where would you get something like this in China? Is it a street food? But one of the best soup dumplings where would I go?


Probably Shanghai. But this is a very famous dish. I mean you can probably get anywhere now in China. But if you want that very legit, original taste, I would say Shanghai. A lot of people think that this is the Dim sum, right? This because it kind of looks like those like Hong Kong, Guangzhou, like dim sum. But actually in a lot of restaurants I believe in Hong Kong or Guangzhou, if you try to order this, they won’t really have it. Where we said in the very beginning is very different for every area. And they have pride in their food, too.


And that’s why we’re going from region to region.

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