【原声视界】Day 64 在这个浮躁的社会里,如何成为理想中的自己?




What are you doing that’s right? What are you doing to add something that’s just positive? I think we get scared sometimes, because we fit into this very formulaic pattern of what it means to be successful. Our sense of identity is tied to things that we possess and things that we own. And our sense of fulfillment is based off of things that come from outside of us, rather than inside of us.


Nobody’s telling us that we need to be honest, we need to be compassionate, we need to be merciful, we need to be just, we need to be loving, we need to be generous. But they’re telling us that our sense of worth is based off of what it is that we drive, and how big of that thing it must be.


So you learn how to be a doctor, you learn how to be a lawyer, you learn how to be an engineer, you learn how to be an artist, an activist, an academic. But as you’re learning how to be a worker, most of us aren’t really learning how to be thinkers. We’re not engaged in spaces where we’re understanding why we love what we love, or why do we hate what we hate, or why do we desire the things that we desire?


And your story is not your story, when you force yourself to become someone else’s story. You are where you’re coming from, and you are where it is that you’re going to. The only person you need to compare yourself today to is the person you were yesterday. And if you want to have a competition with anybody, then make it between those two people. You’ll find yourself in a space where the person you are today is no longer afraid to meet the person that you can become tomorrow.

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