【原声视界】Day 52 脱口秀吐槽纽约房价年年涨





单人脱口秀Nathan Macintosh 吐槽纽约的房租年年涨,贵到爆! 连每年来收房费的房东都有些震惊,这么贵你怎么还租得下去?


I got to be honest. I’m a little bit envious of the people who are visiting New York. Because I live here, and it is very expensive, man. The rent goes up every single year, for no real reason at all. Every year, a landlord knocks on your door and is like, “Wow, you’re still living in there?” I guess we made last year too easy for you, huh?”


They should really change the slogan of this city like, “If you can make it here, you could have owned land in a lot of other places.” “You could have had a house, and a boat, and a real family. Why are you doing this to yourself?”


And if you ask people, they’re like, “Well, the pizza’s good.” I need to know where the pizza’s that bad that New York rent is the option. Pizza is just bread, sauce, and cheese. It’s hard to mess it up. There’s only two levels of pizza, great and fine.


Completely okay. I’ve never had a slice of pizza so bad that I’m like, “You’ve got to be kidding me!” “Get this out of my face!” Everybody in this room has had microwaved pizza.

It’s absolutely disgusting, but it’s pretty good.




讲真,我有点嫉妒那些来纽约旅游的人们。因为我住在这儿,这里真的很贵。房租年年涨,而且是毫无理由地涨。每年房东都会敲开你的门说: “哇,你居然还住在这?” 我想我们去年是让你太好过了是吧?” 他们真的该改一改这城市的口号,改成“如果你能成功住在这,那你早就有钱在全世界买地了。” “你本可以有房,有船,有真正的家庭。你为什么要这么对自己?” 如果你问别人,他们会说:“这里的披萨好吃啊。” 我想知道哪里的披萨能难吃到让你连纽约的房租都能忍。披萨不过就是面饼,酱料和奶酪。想搞砸还真挺难的。披萨只分两个档次,超好吃和还可以。完全没毛病。我从来没遇到过一片披萨能难吃到让我说: “你丫这是在和我开玩笑是吧。别让我再见到它!”在座的各位都吃过微波披萨吧,它恶心到要死,但还是很好吃。



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