【原声视界】Day 49 世界是你的,不要害怕改变





《权力的游戏》扮演者“小恶魔” Peter Dinklage用自己的亲身经历, 讲述自己对于成功以及未来的看法。鼓励年轻人不要害怕改变,敢于走出舒适圈,余生请为自己而活。


I had so many dreams of where I wanted to go, who I wanted to be and what I wanted to do. My parents didn’t have much money, but they struggled to send me to the best schools. And one of the most important things they did for me is that, once I graduated, I was on my own. Financially, it was my turn. But this made me very hungry. I couldn’t be lazy.

我曾梦想着去游历四方, 成为自己想成为的人, 做自己想做的事。我父母并不富裕,但他们努力送我去最好的学校。他们对我做过最重要的一件事就是,一旦我毕业后就只能靠我自己了。换我来撑起整个家,这让我生活非常拘谨,但我不能懒惰。


When I was 29, I told myself the next acting job I get, no matter what it pays, I will from now on, for better or worse, be a working actor. So I quit my position at the Professional Examination Services, I got a low-paying theatre job in a play called “Imperfect Love”, which led to a film called “Thirteen moons”, which led to other roles, which led to other roles. And I’ve worked as an actor ever since.



I didn’t know that would happen. At 29, walking away from data processing, I was terrified. Ten years in a place without heat, six years at a job I felt stuck in… maybe I was afraid of change. Raise the rest of your life to meet you! Don’t search for defining moments, because they will never come.



The moments that define you have already happened and they will already happen again. You just get a bit derailed, but soon something starts to happen, trust me! A rhythm sets in. Just try not to wait until, like me, you’re 29 before you find it, but you will. I promise you!

你早已错过了那些决定性的时刻,而且可能会继续错过。 你只是有点迷失了方向,但相信我, 属于你的契机很快就会到来。你会找到节奏。不要像我一样,一直等到29岁才找到它。你一定会找到的,我保证。


The world might say you are not allowed to yet. I waited a long time, out in the world, before I gave myself permission to fail. Please, don’t even bother asking, don’t bother telling the world you are ready. Show it! Do it! The world is yours! Treat everyone kindly and light up the night. You have your own story to tell. Ever tried, ever failed. No MATTER. TRY AGAIN. FAIL AGAIN. FAIL BETTER.

这个世界或许还不能接纳你。在允许自己失败之前,我在这个世界上等了很长时间。恳请各位,不要再费心思去问,去告诉这个世界你已经准备好了。 展现自己,做出行动,世界就是你的。善待他人,点亮黑暗。你也有属于自己的故事。屡战屡败,没关系。继续尝试,继续失败,才会一次比一次更好。

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