【原声视界】Day 44 小李子, 莱奥纳多的胡子 (艾伦秀)


小李子, 莱奥纳多的胡子 (艾伦秀)

Leo’s beard.






I just wanna talk about the beard (n.胡子) for a minute because it’s quite something. And how long did it take you to grow it, first of all.


It was 6 months and then I think I had it for an additional year after that.


And how did people treat you?


There’s the shot of me.


No, that’s not what it was during the movie right? That’s cleaned up.


No, that was it.


Oh, really? Well then it didn’t look like that in the movie. Maybe it’s because there was so much ice on it too, cause it was always frozen.


That was actually wax. I had a fantastic make-up artist in this movie who did all the stuff from the bear mauling and it was wax that she dribbled (v.一点一滴地流) all over my face every day. It was about a four to five hour makeup job (n.上妆时间) every day with all the scars. So again, it was just a joy, the whole experience.


But now see, you’re growing it back again or something. Are you just going to keep it at that level?


A light stubble. I’m keeping it at a light stubble.


A light stubble?




Do you like wearing a beard?

I don’t think I’ll ever have a beard like that ever again unless it’s for a role. But, yeah, it’s hard to maintain. It’s just… stuff gets in there, you know. You’re eating and then food falls in, and you’re…


Right. And you have to shampoo it, right?


You have to shampoo it, yeah.


Do you put conditioner in it?


I did. I did put conditioner.


Cause you’d want it to be soft.


You do want it to be soft. Otherwise it gets like a Brillo pad.


扩展:Brillo Pad是一个钢丝球的商品名,用来清洁餐具的。


And can you… Yes. And who wants to feel that? And so, when you have food in it, can you tell?


It’s very visible, yeah. Very visible.


I mean, no, but if you don’t have a mirror, sometimes do you feel like you’ve walked around and there’s been food in your beard?


Well, if you have good enough friends, they notify you if you have mustard on your beard or something like that…




They’ll let you know.


All right. Just checking.

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