【原声视界】Day 29 大家是如何回应 “How’s it going”这句问候语



大家是如何回应 “How’s it going?”这句问候语

People Answer “How’s It Going” Honestly


How’s it going?

Going good.

It’s decent.

Is that it?


So I grew up in Russia. I lived there from age 3 to 15. Ever since we moved to the US, I’ve always been confused by this question, “how’s it going?” Like, no one ever answers the question. All right, I’m gonna prove it to you. How’s it going? Nothing! How’s it going? What’s up? Not even a little detail.


How’s it going? Again, nothing! How’s it going? I got “this”. What does that mean? How’s it going? He answered my “how’s it going?” with a “how’s it going?” So now that I’ve proved to you that nobody ever answers the question, “how’s it going?” I’m gonna actually take some time to sit down next to someone and see if we can have a genuine conversation.


How’s it going, man?

How you doing?

Good, dude. Busy.

Yeah, it’s been, I mean, it’s been crazy.


How’s it going? Good?

Yeah, good, thanks.


This is my… Nice to meet to you. Hi.

How’s it going?


How’s your day?

Nice to meet you. Good? Good.


Yeah, I give up. That was that was the most awkward thing I’ve ever experienced. I thought it was gonna be like a video where I like, met all these people. No, it’s extremely uncomfortable. It’s awkward. No one wants to talk about their day or like, open up to their feelings. So instead of putting myself through more awkward interactions, I’m gonna go around with a microphone. I’m gonna see why people think no one answers the question “how’s it going?”


Sara, do you have time for an interview?


Too late, we’re gonna do it.


So one question interview. How’s it going?

It’s going good.

Eh, it’s all right.

How... How’s it going with you?

It’s good.



So how many times have you heard “how’s it going? ” in the past week?


How many times have you answered it other than saying it’s fine?

Never (laughing).


Why do you think no one ever answers the question “how’s it going? ”

I just have this problem. I was in LA and everybody was answering me.


You don’t wanna get too personal, I guess.


I think it’s because usually the answer’s too depressing. I mean, go to a therapist.


Nobody’s ever gonna say, it’s going bad.


I once tried changing “how are you?” to “are you good?” and everyone was like, do I look okay?” “is something wrong?”


I hate when people, like if people were to really ask me that, because it would like uncork some deep shit.


I never ask.

Oh, you never ask?

I just give like the head nod and if you give it back, then I know you’re good.


I honestly think the world would be better if we just didn’t talk to people at all.


What I’m realizing is that everyone at BuzzFeed hates interaction and is bitter. And I’m the only one who cares about connecting with other human beings.


I guess I could get rid of “how’s it going” completely.


My problem with how’s it going is when people ask and immediately stop listening.


So, so how was your day?

It’s good. Ding!

Ha ha!


So I’m currently editing this video and I just watched back all the footage. Even though this video’s silly and funny and it’s not supposed to be serious, I feel like there’s actually a pretty important lesson to be learned from this video. I think there’s something so important about listening ad talking to the people around you because you never know who needs to be talked to or who wants to be heard or who has some problems that they need to share. So it’s really important to listen. And you should take the time to sit down and talk to the people you care about and really ask people how is it going. So if you guys feel like it, in the comments below, just tell me how it’s going.

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