【原声视界】Day 24 为2019年养成5个健康的早晨好习惯 (上)



为2019年养成5个健康的早晨好习惯 (上)

5 Healthy Morning Routine Habits for 2019


Good morning and welcome to five healthy habits that you could add to your morning routine. I added these habits to my morning routine when I first moved into this new apartment. And these are my favorite things to do in the morning, so I just thought I would put them together and share them with you and give you a little inspiration of things you might like to add to your morning routine. So let’s get started.


The first habit is to wake up at least 15 minutes earlier than your regular wake up time. And the reason that you should do this is because it gives your body a chance to wake up slowly. There’s nothing worse than that rushed feeling in the morning. So I like to wake up considerably earlier than what I need to so that I can have a chance to do whatever I want that might be reading, writing, playing on my phone, watching TV, drinking coffee, just sitting on the couch. I can do whatever I like and it gives my body a chance to slowly wake up and ease into the day. And I feel a lot better if I do so.


The second habit is to, of course, have a healthy breakfast but in a way where you don’t have to make it that morning. I think we skip breakfast sometimes or we choose to have something unhealthy because it’s easier. Whereas the idea is to plan and prepare everything so that you can have that healthy breakfast in a really easy manner. So two great breakfasts that I think are really easy are chia puddings because you can make them the night before. And then you chuck some fruit on, and then the other one is to do some meal prep of some smoothie options because that’s another really easy one. You just chuck everything in the blender and breakfast is served.




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